Free guitar lessons


28 Feb 2008

A Good Method For Teaching Guitar That Actually Works
By David Smithe

There are many factors to consider when you are searching for a good method for teaching guitar. Whether you are just getting into teaching, or have been at it for awhile and are looking to adjust your processes, good teaching methods are important to the success of your students.

One thing many first time guitar teachers do not realize is that utilizing just one book, or series of books, is not going to work for every student. The materials need to be tailored to fit not only the ability and level of a student, but also the age of a student. When looking for a good method for teaching guitar, consider these important points.

Appropriate Material
An eight year old student might not be interested in playing Led Zeppelin or Bob Dylan. It is important that you use creativity in your approach. When you look for teaching materials, it is important to match your student with a book that is age appropriate.

Children's method books are colorful and enticing, with games and activities, as well as repertoire that they will recognize. Pairing this book with additional exercises, as well as using popular music (think about music from kids movies and young pop stars) will produce much more effective results, and make the lessons more enjoyable for both of you.

Adults on the other hand will quickly tire of playing Hot Cross Buns, and you need to find a method book that contains pieces they will enjoy, recognize, and find challenging.

Differentiation is a fancy term for "mixing it up". If a student endures the same exact sequence of events in every lesson, performing what the practiced last week, reviewing, and then covering the next two pages of a method book, they are going to lose interest quickly. Differentiate your lessons by including listening exercises and playing along with the student.

If they are studying theory with you as well, make sure to occasionally include formal exercises in your lessons. By varying the activities in each lesson, the student will not know what to expect, and you will both look forward to something exciting and new every week. Find out what artists the student is interested in, and locate or create arrangements of songs by their favorite performers for an extra special treat.

The best method of guitar teaching is one that identifies the needs and interests of the student, and capitalizes on that energy. Students will be more likely to practice what they like, rather than what the teacher likes, or says they need to learn.

A good method for teaching guitar is to listen to what the student's hopes and dreams are, and build from there. Supplement their desires with an appropriate level method book that teaches proper techniques and provides helpful exercises. As a guitar teacher, you will not be able to use the same method with each student. Be creative, and have fun, and you will see your students soar to new heights.

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Source: Ultimate guitar blog.